Psalm 91
It is good to give praise to the Virgin Mary: and to sing glory to her is the prosperity of the mind. To declare her merits rejoices the mind: and to imitate her works makes glad the angels of God. He who obtains her favor: is recognized by the dwellers in Paradise. And he who shall bear the character of her name, shall be written in the book of life. Arise, O Lady, and judge our cause: and deliver us from those who rise up against us. Withdraw not thy right hand from the sinner: and meet with thy sword the darts of the destroyer. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 92
The Lord hath reigned, He is clothed with beauty: He hath crowned His Mother with the ornaments of virtues. May the Mother of peace fulfill in us his propitiation: and may she teach her servants the way of equity. Ye who desire the wisdom of Christ: serve His Mother with a reverent soul. Who will suffice to relate thy works, O Lady? and who shall search out the treasures of thy mercy? Do thou uphold those who are fainting away in their temptations: and appoint them a lot in truth. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 93
The Lord is a God to whom revenge belongeth: but thou, O Mother of mercy, inclinest Him to mercy. Thy magnificence, O Lady, is preached forever: and they who venerate thee shall find the way of peace. Serve her reverently with rejoicing: and the Most Blessed Fruit of her womb shall heal you. Look, O Lady, upon the humility of thy servants: and they shall praise thee in the generations of ages. Magnify thy name in the multiplication of thy graces: and permit not thy servants to be subject to perils. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 94
Come, let us rejoice to Our Lady: let us joyfully sing to the saving Mary, our Queen. Let us come before her presence with joy: and in canticles let us all praise her together. Come, let us adore, and fall down before her: let us confess our sins to her with tears. Obtain for us a full pardon, stand for us before the tribunal of God. Receive our souls at our end: and lead us into eternal rest. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 95
Sing a new song to her who is full of grace: sing to Mary all ye of the earthly world. For she excels in sanctity all the angels: and those born of women in her wonders and miracles. Beauty and glory are in her countenance: and grace is in her eyes. Bring ye to her glory, ye fathers o$ the peoples: rejoice in her, all ye creatures of God. You have an admirable exchange worked by her means: by reason of which you are called the sons of the Most High God. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 96
The Lord hath reigned, let Mary rejoice: in all the empire under her rule. Adore her, all ye citizens of the heavenly commonwealth: exalt her, ye fair virgins, her daughters. For she is raised above principalities and dominations: she is exalted above angels and the embassies of archangels. Patriarchs and prophets, break forth in her praise: make a harmony, Apostles and martyrs of Christ. Confessors and virgins, sing canticles to her from the songs of Sion: and congratulate her, holy monks, for the triumphs she has won. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 97
Sing to Our Lady a new song: for she hath done wonderful things. In the sight of nations she hath revealed her mercy: her name is heard even to the ends of the earth. Be mindful, O Lady, of the poor and the wretched: and support them by the help of thy holy refreshment. For thou, O Lady, art sweet and true: exceedingly patient and full of compassion. Tread upon the enemies of our souls: and crush with thy holy arm their contumacy. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 98
The Lord hath reigned, let the people be angry: Mary sits at the right hand under the Cherubim. Great in Sion is thy glory, O Lady: and in Jerusalem thy magnificence. Sing before her, ye virginal choirs: and adore her throne, for it is holy. In her right hand is the fiery law: and round about her are millions of saints. Her commands are before his eyes: and the rule of justice is in her heart. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 99
Sing with joy to Our Lady, ye men of the earth: serve her in joy and pleasantness. With all your soul draw nigh unto her: and in all your strength keep her ways. Search her out, and she will be manifested to you: be clean of heart, and you will take hold of her. To them whom thou shalt help, O Lady, will be the refreshment of peace: and they from whom thou turnest away thy face shall have no hope of salvation. Be mindful of us, O Lady, and let evil not take hold of us: help us in the end, and we shall find eternal life. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 100
To thee, O Lady, will I sing mercy and judgment: I will sing to thee in joy of heart, when thou shalt have made my soul glad. I will praise thee and thy glory: and thou shalt bestow refreshment upon my soul. I have been zealous for thy love and thy honor: therefore wilt thou defend my cause before the judge of ages. I am drawn by thy goodness and grace: I pray thee, let me not be defrauded of my hope and good confidence. Strengthen thou my soul in my last days: and in this my flesh make me to behold my Savior. Glory be to the Father, etc.