Psalm 81
God is in the congregation of Jews: from whom, as a rose, has come forth the Mother of God. Wipe away my stains, O Lady: thou who art ever resplendent in purity. Make the fountain of life flow into my mouth: whence the living waters take their rise and flow forth. All ye who thirst, come to her: she will willingly give you to drink from her fountain. He who drinketh from her, will spring forth unto life everlasting: and he will never thirst. Glory be to the Father etc.
Psalm 82
O my Lady, who shall be like unto thee ? In grace and glory thou surpassest all. As the heavens are above the earth: so art thou high above all, and exceedingly exalted. Wound my heart with thy charity: make me worthy of thy grace and thy gifts. May my heart melt in thy fear: and may the desire of thee enkindle my soul. Make me desire thy honor and thy glory: that I may be received by thee into the peace of Jesus Christ. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 83
How lovely are thy tabernacles, O Lady of hosts: how delightful are the tents of thy redemption. Honor her, O ye sinners: and she will obtain grace and salvation for you. Her prayer is incense above frank-incense and balsam: her supplications will not return to her bare, void, or empty. Intercede for me, O Lady, with thy Christ: neither do thou forsake me in death or in life. For thy spirit is kind: thy grace fills the whole world. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 84
O Lady, thou hast blessed thy house: thou hast consecrated thy dwelling. This one is fair among the daughters of Jerusalem: whose memory is in blessing. The holy angels have proclaimed her blessed: glorify her, ye Virtues and Dominations. Ye peoples and nations, seek out her prudence: and search out the treasures of her mercy. Think of her in goodness: and seek her in simplicity of heart. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 85
Incline thine ear, O Lady, and hear me: turn thy face to me, and have mercy on me. May the inflowing of thy sweetness delight the souls of the saints: and the infusion of thy charity be sweet above the sweetest honey. The resplendence of thy glory enlightens the mind: and the light of thy mercies leads to salvation. The fountain of thy goodness inebriates the thirsty: and the aspect of thy countenance draws men away from sin. To know thee and to learn thee is the root of immortality: and to declare thy virtues is the way of salvation. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 86
The foundations of life in the soul of the just: are to persevere in charity unto the end. Thy grace raises up the poor man in adversity: and the invocation of thy name inspires him with confidence. Paradise is filled with thy tender mercies: and by the fear of thee the infernal enemy is confounded. He who hopes in thee, will find treasures of peace: and he who invokes thee not in this life, will not attain to the kingdom of God. Grant, O Lady, that we may live in the grace of the Holy Ghost: and lead our souls to a holy end. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 87
Lady, thou art the helper of my salvation: by day and by night I have cried to thee. Let my prayer enter into thy sight: console my sadness with the sight of thee. Evils are multiplied in my soul: cleanse it from filth and sin. May thy power overcome our enemies: lest they hinder our salvation. Bestow on us thy grace to resist them: strengthen our hearts against the concupiscence of the flesh. Glory be to the Father, etc.
Psalm 88
Thy mercies, O Lady, I will sing forever. With the ointment of thy tender mercy heal the broken in heart: and with the oil of thy mercy console our griefs. May thy gracious countenance appear to me in my end: may the beauty of thy face rejoice my spirit in its going forth. Stir up my spirit to love thy goodness: excite my mind to extol thy nobility and worth. Deliver me from evil and tribulation: and from all sin keep thou my soul. Glory be to the Father, etc
Psalm 89
O Lady, thou art made unto us refreshment: in all our needs. The diffusion of thy grace produces thy holy operations in us: and the gentle dropping of thy sweetness maketh holy affections. I will be mindful, O Lady, of thy tender mercies: I will sing unto thee a sacrifice of praise and a song of joy. They who honor thee will obtain a perennial crown for ashes: and the mantle of praise for the spirit of mourning. They who hope in thee will be clothed with light: joy and perpetual rejoicing will be their lot. Glory be to the Father. etc.
Psalm 90
He that dwelleth in the help of the Mother of God: will abide under her protection. The concourse of enemies will not harm him: the flying arrow will not touch him. For she will deliver him from the snare of the hunter: and under her wings she will protect him. Cry out to her in your dangers: and the scourge will not come nigh your dwelling. He who has placed his hope in her, will find the fruit of grace: the gate of paradise will be opened to him. Glory be to the Father, etc.