Psalm 101

O Lady, hear my prayer: and let my cry come unto thee. Turn not thy sacred countenance away from me: nor hate me because of my uncleanness. Forsake me not in the thought and counsel of mine enemies: and permit me not to fall in their wicked attacks. Those who trust in thee, will not fear the tortuous snake: and those who exalt thee in praises will escape the hand of Acheron. By thy virginal conception give me a good confidence in thee: and by thy admirable delivery rejoice my soul. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 102

Bless, O my soul, the Mother of Jesus Christ: and all that is within me, glorify her name. Forget not her benefits: nor her grace and consolation. By her grace sins are forgiven: and by her mercy maladies are healed. Bless her, all ye powers of Heaven: glorify her, ye choirs of the Apostles and Prophets. Bless her, O ye sea, and the islands of the nations: sing a hymn to her, all ye heavens and the dwellers therein. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 103

Bless, O my soul, the Virgin Mary: her honor and her magnificence forever. Thou hast clothed thyself with beauty and comeliness: thou art clad, O Lady, with a shining garment. From thee proceeds the healing of sins: and the discipline of peace, and the fervor of charity. Fill us, thy servants, with holy virtues: and let the wrath of God not come nigh unto us. Give eternal joy to thy servants: and forget them not in the death struggle. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 104

Give praise to Our Lady and call upon her name: sing gloriously unto her, declaring her virtues. Praise and exalt her, O Virgins, daughters of Sion: because she will espouse to you the King of Angels. Honor ye the Queen full of all grace: and contemplate with reverence her most holy countenance. Eternal salvation is in thy hand, O Lady: those who honor thee worthily will receive it. Thy clemency will not fail in the eternal years: and thy mercy is from generation to generation. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 105

Give praise to Our Lady, for she is good: in all the tribes of the earth relate her mercies. Far from the impious is her conversation: her foot has not declined from the way of the Most High. A fountain of life-giving grace comes forth from her mouth: and a virginal emanation sanctifying chaste souls. The hope of the glory of Paradise is in her heart: for the devout soul who shall have honored her. Have mercy on us, O resplendent Queen of Heaven: and give consolation from thy glory. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 106

Give praise to the Lord, for He is good: give praise to His Mother, for her mercy endureth for ever. Show us, O Lady, the innocence and the way of prudence: and point out the way of understanding to thy servants. The fear of God enlightens the mind: and thy love rejoices it. Blessed is the man whose speech is pleasing to thee: his bones shall be fattened with marrow and fatness. Thy word shall uphold the feeble soul: and thy lips shall refresh the thirsty soul. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 107

My heart is ready, O Lady, my heart is ready: to sing praises to thee and to chant. Greater is thy love than all riches: and thy grace is above gold and precious stones. Beatitude and justice are given by God: for those who turn away from their sins to thee shall obtain the remedy of penance. Thy fruits are grace and peace: and those who please thee shall be far from perdition. Be to us a shade of protection in our temptations: let the spreading of thy wings defend us from him who devours. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 108

O Lady, despise not my praise: and deign to accept this Psalter dedicated to thee. Look upon the will of my heart: and make my affection well-pleasing to thee. Hasten to visit thy servants: under the protection of thy hand may they be preserved unhurt. May they receive through thee the illumination of the Holy Spirit: and refreshment against the heat of cupidity. Heal, O Lady, the contrite of heart: and revive them by the ointment of piety. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 109

The Lord said to Our Lady: Sit at my right hand, O my Mother! Goodness and sanctity have pleased thee: therefore thou shalt reign with me forever. The crown of immortality is on thy holy head: whose brightness and glory shall not be extinguished. Have mercy on us, O Lady, mother of light and splendor: enlighten us, O Lady of truth and virtue. From thy treasures pour into us the wisdom of God: and the understanding of prudence, and the model of discipline. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 110

I will give praise to thee, O Lady, with my whole soul: I will glorify thee with my whole mind. The works of thy grace will remain: and the testament of thy mercy before the throne of God. By thee redemption has been sent from God: the repentant people shall have the hope of salvation. A good understanding to all who honor thee: and their lot is among the angels of peace. Glorious and admirable is thy name: those who keep it will not fear in the moment of death. Glory be to the Father, etc.