How to Get an Indulgence
“N3. The faithful can obtain partial or plenary indulgences for themselves, or they can apply them to the dead by way of suffrage. —Manual of Indulgences, Apostolic Penitentiary
In order to obtain a Plenary Indulgence you must:
Have no attachment to mortal or venial sin. That means that you have no desire to commit even venial sins and resolve with your will to avoid all venial and mortal sin.
Attend sacramental Confession, either several days before or after the prescribed work. One Confession suffices for gaining several plenary indulgences.
Receive Holy Communion several days before or after the prescribed work. It is necessary to receive Holy Communion for each plenary indulgence.
Pray for the Holy Father’s intentions. It is sufficient to pray one Hail Mary and one Our Father for his intentions several days before or after the prescribed work.
Perform the prescribed work. It is fitting to receive Holy Communion and pray for the Pope’s intentions on the same day of the performed work though as said before is not necessary.
Pray a 5-decade Rosary while meditating on the mysteries, in a group or pious association.
Pray the Stations of the Cross.
Go to Eucharistic Adoration for at least 30-minutes.
Read the Bible as spiritual reading for 30-minutes.
In order to obtain a Partial Indulgence you must:
Be baptized, not excommunicated, and in the state of grace at least at the completion of the prescribed works.
Have at least the general intention of gaining an indulgence. (This can be fulfilled by making a general intention to gain all the indulgence one can at the beginning of the day for example)
Carry out the enjoined works at the stated time and in due fashion, according to the sense of the grant.
GENERAL GRANTS (Manual of Indulgences)
“A partial indulgence is granted to the Christian faithful who, while carrying out their duties and enduring the hardships of life, raise their minds in humble trust to God and make, at least mentally, some pious invocation.
A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who, led by the spirit of faith, give compassionately of themselves or of their goods to serve their brothers in need.
A partial indulgence is granted to the Christian faithful who, in a spirit of penance, voluntarily abstain from something that is licit for and pleasing to them
A partial indulgence is granted to the Christian faithful who, in the particular circumstances of daily life, voluntarily give explicit witness to their faith before others.”
Beyond the general grants, there are various other partial indulgences in the Manual of Indulgences. Therefore, it is good to make a general intention upon rising to gain all the indulgences for the works performed throughout the day.
Manual of Indulgences: Apostolic Penitentiary Translated into English from the fourth edition (1999) of Enchiridion Indulgentiarum:Normae et Concessiones:
N20. §1. To gain a plenary indulgence, in addition to excluding all attachment to sin, even venial sin, it is necessary to perform the indulgenced work and fulfill the following three conditions: sacramental confession, Eucharistic Communion, and prayer for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
§2. A single sacramental confession suffices for gaining several plenary indulgences; but Holy Communion must be received and prayer for the intention of the Holy Father must be recited for the gaining of each plenary indulgence.
§3. The three conditions may be fulfilled several days before or after the performance of the prescribed work; it is, however, fitting that Communion be received and the prayer for the intention of the Holy Father be said on the same day the work is performed.
§4. If the full disposition is lacking, or if the work and the three prescribed conditions are not fulfilled, saving the provisions given in Norm 24 and in Norm 25 regarding those who are “impeded,” the indulgence will only be partial.
§5. The condition of praying for the intention of the Holy Father is fully satisfied by reciting one Our Father and one Hail Mary; nevertheless, one has the option of reciting any other prayer according to individual piety and devotion, if recited for this intention.
The faithful can obtain partial or plenary indulgences for themselves, or they can apply them to the dead by way of suffrage.
§1. A plenary indulgence can be acquired only once in the course of a day; a partial indulgence can be acquired multiple times.
§2. The faithful however can obtain the plenary indulgence at the hour of death, even if they have already gained one on the same day