Psalm 131

Be mindful, O Lady, of David: and of all who invoke thy name. Give us confidence in thy name: and let our adversaries be confounded. Console us in the land of our pilgrimage: and relieve our poverty. Give us, O holy Virgin, the bread of tears: and sorrow for our sins in the land of our sojourning. Make the Blessed Fruit of thy womb propitious to us: that we may be filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 132

Behold how good and how pleasant, O Mary, it is: to love thy name. Thy name is as oil poured out, and as an aromatic fragrance: to those who love it. How great is the multitude of thy sweetness, O Lady: which thou hast prepared for those who love and hope in thee. Be a refuge to the poor in tribulation: because thou art a staff to the poor and wretched. Let them, I beseech thee, find grace with God: who invoke thy help in their needs. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 133

Behold now, bless ye the Lady: all ye who hope in her holy name. Rejoice with a great joy, you who exalt and glorify her: because you will be rejoiced by the plentifulness of her consolations. Behold now with an overflowing bounty she will come down upon you: to console and to make glad your hearts. Bless her, all her servants: and let her memory be the desire of your soul. Bless her, all ye angels and saints of God: praise her wonders forever. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 134

Praise the name of the Lord: bless the name of Mary, His Mother. Be diligent in prayer to Mary: and she will raise up for you eternal delights. Let us come to her in a contrite soul: and sinful cupidity will not besiege us. He who thinks of her in tranquillity of mind: shall find sweetness and the rest of peace. Let us breathe forth our souls to her in our end: and she will lay open to us the courts of them that triumph. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 135

Give praise to the Lord, for He is good: because by His most sweet Mother, the Virgin Mary, mercy is given to us. Obtain for us, O Lady, the friendship of Jesus Christ: and keep us lest we should lose our innocence. Repress our enemy by thy command: lest he should destroy in us the virtue of charity. Illumine our ways and our paths: that we may know what is pleasing to God. Preserve in us what is naturally good: and may good graces be multiplied in us. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 136

On the rivers of Babylon the Hebrews wept: but let us weep over our sins. Let us cry out humbly to the Virgin and Mother: let us offer her our plaints and our sighs. There is no propitiation to be found without her: nor salvation apart from her fruit. By her, sins are purged away: and by her fruit, souls are made white. By her is made satisfaction for sins; by her fruit health is bestowed. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 137

I will praise thee, O Lady, with my whole heart: because by thee I have experienced the clemency of Jesus Christ. Hear, O Lady, my words and prayers: and in the sight of angels I will sing praise to thee. In whatever day thou shalt invoke me, hear me: and multiply thy power in my soul. Let all tribes and tongues praise thee: because by thee salvation is restored to us. From all trouble save thy servants: and make them live under thy protection and peace. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 138

O Lady, thou hast tried me and known me: my ruin and my transgression. Thy mercy is plentiful above me: and thy clemency is great to me. Thine eye hath beheld mine imperfect being: and thine eyebrows have known my ways. We have from the Holy Spirit an abundance of holy desires: and the stain of sin does not trouble our conscience. The light of thy mercy makes serene our heart: and the sweetness of thy peace recreates us. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 139

Deliver me, O Lady, from all evil: and from the infernal enemy defend me. Against me he hath drawn his bow: and in his craftiness he hath laid snares for me. Restrain his evil power: and powerfully crush his craft. Turn back his iniquity on his own head: and let him speedily fall into the pit which he hath made. But we will rejoice in thy service: and we will glory in thy praise. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 140

O Lady, I have cried to thee, hear me: incline unto my prayer and to my supplication. Let my supplication be directed as incense before thy face: both in the time of the evening sacrifice and in the morning. Let not my heart turn aside into spiteful words: and let not the thought of wickedness upset my mind. Make me submissive to the good pleasure of thy heart: and let me be conformed to thy actions. With the sword of understanding pierce my heart: and with the dart of charity inflame my mind. Glory be to the Father, etc.