Psalm 121

I rejoiced in thee, O Queen of Heaven: because under thy leadership we shall go into the house of the Lord. Jerusalem the heavenly city: may we attain to the rewards of Mary. Obtain for us, O Lady, peace and pardon: and the victory over our enemies, and triumph., Strengthen and console our hearts: by the sweetness of thy piety. So, Lady, pour into us thy mercy: that we may devoutly die in the Lord. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 122

To thee have I raised up mine eyes, O Queen: who reignest in Heaven. Let our help be in the power of thy name: let all our works be directed by thee. Blessed be thou in Heaven and on earth: in the sea and in all abysses. Blessed be thy fecundity: blessed be thy virginity and purity. Blessed be thy holy body: blessed be thy most holy soul. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 123

Unless our Lady was in us: many dangers would have overtaken us. O Virgin, be our defender: and a propitious advocate before God. Show us, O Lady, thy mercy: and strengthen us in thy holy service. Let the holy angels bless thee in Heaven: let all men bless thee upon earth. Give not up to the beasts the souls of them that trust in thee: let not the mouths of them that sing to thee be closed. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 124

Those who trust in thee, O Mother of God: shall not fear at the face of the enemy. Rejoice and exult, all ye who love her: because she will help you in the day of your trouble. Be mindful of thy tender mercies, O Lady: and relieve us in the pilgrimage of our sojourning. Turn thine amiable countenance towards us: confound and destroy all our enemies. Blessed be all the works of thy hands, O Lady: blessed be all thy holy miracles. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 125

When thou shalt turn thy most serene countenance upon us: thou shalt rejoice us, O virginal Mother of God. Blessed be thou, O treasury of Christ: above all women upon earth. Blessed be thy glorious name: which the mouth of the Lord hath wonderfully named. Let not thy praise fail from our lips: nor thy charity from our hearts. Those who love thee will be blessed by God: and those who wish to love thee, will not be defrauded of their confidence. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 126

Unless, O Lady, thou shalt build the house of our heart: its edifice shall not remain. Build us up by thy grace and thy power: that we may remain firm forever. Blessed be thy word: and blessed be all the words of thy lips. Let them be blessed by God, who shall bless thee: and let them be reckoned in the number of the just. Bless, O Lady, them that bless thee: and never turn thy gracious countenance away from them. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 127

Blessed are all they who fear our Lady: and blessed are all they who know how to do thy will and thy good pleasure. Blessed are the father and mother who have begotten thee: whose memory shall abide forever. Blessed is the womb that bore thee: and blessed are the breasts that nourished thee. Turn thou thy mercy toward us: and be gracious to thy servants. Look upon us and behold our shame: take away from us all our iniquities. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 128

My enemies have often troubled me from my youth up: deliver me, O Lady, and vindicate my cause from them. Give them not power over my soul: keep my interior and my exterior. Obtain for us pardon for our sins: let it be given to us by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Make us do penance worthily and praiseworthily: that we may come to God by a blessed end. Show us then with a gracious and serene countenance: the glorious fruit of thy womb. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 129

Out of the depths I have cried to thee, O Lady: Lady, hear my prayer. Let thine ears be attentive: to the voice of praise and of thy glorification. Deliver me from the hand of my adversaries: confound their plans and their attempts against me. Deliver me in the evil day: and in the day of death forget not my soul. Lead me unto the harbor of salvation: may my name be written among the just. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 130

Lady, my heart hath not been exalted: nor have mine eyes been lifted up. The Lord hath blessed thee in His power: who by thee hath reduced to naught our enemies. Blessed be He who hath sanctified thee: and who hath brought thee forth pure from thy mother's womb. Blessed be He who hath overshadowed thee: and by His grace hath given thee fecundity. Bless us, O Lady, and strengthen us in thy grace: that by thee we may be presented before the sight of the Lord. Glory be to the Father, etc.