Psalm 141

With my voice I have cried to Our Lady: I have humbly entreated her. I have poured out my tears in her sight: and I have set before her my grief. The enemy lieth in wait for my heel: he has spread his net before me. Help me, O Lady, lest I fall before him: let-him be crushed beneath my feet. Lead my soul out of prison: that it may praise thee and sing to the mighty God forever. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 142

O Lady, hear my prayer: incline thine ear to my supplication. The spiteful enemy hath persecuted my life: he hath cast on to the ground my ways. He hath blackened me with his darkness: and my spirit is exceedingly troubled. Turn not thy face away from me: that I may not fall together with them that tumble into the abyss. Send forth thy light and thy grace: and repair anew my life and my conscience. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 143

Blessed be thou, O Lady, who teachest thy servants to fight: and strengthenest them against the enemy. With thy lightnings and thy brightness scatter him: send forth thy darts, that thou mayest confound him. Glorify from on high thy hand: and let thy servants sing thy praise and thy glory. Raise up from earthly things our affection: from these eternal delights refresh our interior. Kindle in our hearts the longing for heavenly things: and deign to refresh us with the joys of Paradise. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 144

I will exalt thee, O Mother of the Son of God: and every day I will sing thy praises. Generations and peoples will praise thy works: and the islands shall expect thy mercy. The angels will utter the abundance of thy sweetness: and the saints will pronounce thy sweetness. Our eyes hope in thee, O Lady: send us food and delightful nourishment. My tongue shall speak thy praise: and I will bless thee for ever and ever. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 145

My soul, praise Our Lady: I will glorify her as long as I live. Never cease from her praises: and think of her every moment. When my spirit shall go forth, Lady, let it be commended to thee: and in the unknown land be thou its guide. Let not past sins trouble it: nor let it be disturbed by the meeting with the malignant one. Lead it to the harbor of salvation: there let it await securely the coming of the Redeemer. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 146

Praise the Lady, for a psalm is good: let the praise of her be pleasant and beautiful. For she heals the broken-hearted: and she refreshes them with the ointment of piety. Great is her power: and her clemency has no end. Sing to her in jubilation: and in her praise sing a psalm to her. Those who hope in the Lord are a good pleasure to her: and those who hope in her mercy. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 147

Praise, O Jerusalem, Our Lady: glorify her also, O Sion. For she buildeth up thy walls: and blesseth thy sons. Let her grace nourish thee: let her give peace to thy borders. The Most High hath sent forth His Word: and His power hath overshadowed her. Let us raise our hearts and hands up to her: that we may feel her influence. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 148

Let us praise Our Lady in the heavens: glorify her in the highest. Praise her, all ye men and beasts: birds of the air, and fishes of the sea. Praise her, sun and moon: stars, and the orbs of the planets. Praise her, Cherubim and Seraphim: thrones and dominations and powers. Praise her, all ye legions of angels: praise her all order of heavenly dwellers. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 149

Sing a new song to Our Lady: her praise in the congregation of the just. Let the heavens rejoice in her glory: the isles of the sea and the whole world. Fire and water praise her: cold and heat, splendor and light. Let her praises be in the mouth of the just: and her glory in the band of the triumphant. City of God, be joyful in her: and for thy dwellers sing her a constant song. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 150

Praise Our Lady in her saints: praise her in her virtues and miracles. Praise her, ye bands of Apostles: praise her, ye choirs and patriarchs and prophets. Praise her, ye army of martyrs; praise her, ye bands of doctors and confessors. Praise her in the college of virgins and the chaste: praise her, ye orders of monks and holy anchorites. Praise her, ye monasteries of all religious: praise her, all the souls of all heavenly dwellers. Let every spirit praise Our Lady I Glory be to the Father, etc.