Holy Bibles

Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ. Anything revealed in Scripture is de Fide. There are countless Bible translations; here are trustworthy translations approved by the Church and based on reliable manuscripts.

English (DRA)


The Douay-Rheims Bible is a historic English Catholic translation of the Latin Vulgate, completed in the late 16th century. Renowned for its faithfulness to Church tradition and elegant language. Excellent word-for-word translation, this Bible is highly recommended for those who can parse the more traditional wording.

English (RSVCE)

Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

Solid modern translation from the available Hebrew and Greek manuscripts; similar to the ESV. Generally faithful to Scripture, maintaining traditional language for prayers, while utilizing modern language elsewhere for intelligibility. Recommended for those married to the idea of using a modern translation.

Latin, English (VUL/DRA/KNOX)

Vulgate/Douay-Rheims/Knox Side-by-Side

Three translations side-by-side. Useful for study in the Vulgate, and to reference the Vulgate, a superior translation, alongside two English versions for greater understanding.

Medieval Latin (VUL)

The Vulgate

Highly recommended for those with a working knowledge of Latin. Commissioned by Pope St. Damasus I. Meticulously translated from the Hebrew, Greek, and Old Latin into Late Latin. Completed in the early 5th century AD, and ratified by the Council of Trent, which council declared it to be ‘authentic’.

English (KNOX)

Knox Bible

The Knox Bible, translated by Monsignor Ronald Knox, is a mid-20th-century Catholic Bible. A dynamic-equivalent translation, that is faithful to the spirit of St. Jerome’s Vulgate, while not always inline with the letter.