Psalm 61

O Lady, shall not my soul be subject to thee: who hast brought forth the Savior of all ? Be mindful of us, O savior of the lost: hear thou the weeping of our hearts. Pour forth graces from thy treasury: and with thine unguents soothe our grief. Give us joy and peace: that thou mayest confound the enemies of the good. Wash away all our sins: heal all our infirmities. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 62

O God, my God: I will glorify thee by Thy Mother. For she hath conceived thee in virginity: and without travail she hath brought Thee forth. Blessed be thou, O Lady: stand for us before the throne of God. Beauty and brightness are in thy sight. Keep my soul, O Lady: that it may never fall into sin. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 63

Hear my prayer, O Lady, when I beseech thee: from the fear of the cruel one deliver my soul. Obtain for us peace and salvation: in the last day. Blessed be thou above all women: and blessed be the fruit of thy womb. Enlighten, O Lady, mine eyes: and illumine my blindness. Give me firm confidence in thee: in my life and in mine end. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 64

A hymn becometh thee, O Lady, in Sion: praise and jubilation in Jerusalem. The Lord hath given thee the blessing of all nations: praise and glory in the sight of all peoples. The Lord hath blessed thee in His mercy: and hath set thy throne above all the orders of angels. He hath placed grace and beauty in thy speech: and with a mantle of glory he hath clothed thy body. He hath set a resplendent crown upon thy head: and hath adorned thee with the jewels of virtues. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 65

Shout with joy to Our Lady, all the earth: sing ye a psalm to her name: give honor to her majesty. Blessed be thy heart, O Lady: with which thou hast ardently and sincerely loved the Son of God. Look upon my poverty, O glorious Virgin: delay not to remove my misery and my difficulties. Take away my tribulations: sweeten my weariness. Let all flesh bless thee: let every tongue glorify thee. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 66

May God have mercy on us and bless us: by her who brought Him forth. Have mercy on us, O Lady, and pray for us: turn our sadness into joy. Enlighten me, O Star of the sea: shed thy brightness upon me, O resplendent Virgin. Extinguish the burning of my heart: refresh me with thy grace. Let thy grace ever protect me: let thy presence give light to my end. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 67

Let Mary arise, and let her enemies be scattered: let them all be crushed beneath her feet. Break thou the attack of our enemies: destroy all their iniquity. To thee, O Lady, have I cried in my tribulation: and thou hast given serenity to my conscience. Let not thy praise fail in our mouths: nor thy love in our hearts. There is much peace to them that love thee, O Lady: their souls shall not see death forever. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 68

Save me, O Lady: for the waters of concupiscence have entered into my very soul. I am stuck fast in the mire of sin: and the waters of pleasure have encompassed me. Weeping, I have wept in the night: and the day of joy has arisen for me. Save my soul, O Mother of the Savior: for by thee true salvation was given to the world. While thou wast overshadowed when the Angel spoke to thee: and becamest pregnant with the Wisdom of the Father. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 69

O Lady, come to my assistance: and by the light of thy mercy enlighten me. Teach us to seek thy goodness: that we may declare thy wonders. Show forth thy power against our enemies: that thou mayest be praised among the distant nations. In the flames of thy wrath let them be plunged into hell: and may they who trouble thy servants find perdition. Have mercy on thy servants, upon whom thy name is invoked ! and do not permit them to be straitened in their temptations. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 70

In thee, O Lady, have I hoped: let me never be confounded: in thy mercy deliver me and free me. Because of the multitude of my iniquities: I am vehemently oppressed. Mine enemies have acted above my head: they have mocked me and derided me day by day. See, O Lady, how I am troubled: stretch forth thy hands, and succor him who perishes. Delay not, for the sake of the grace of thy name: and thou shalt become unto me joy and salvation. Glory be to the Father, etc.