Psalm 41

As the hart longs for the water-brooks, so doth my soul pine for thy love. For thou art the mother of my life: and the sublime repairer of my flesh. For thou art the feeder of the Savior of my soul: the beginning and the end of all my salvation. Hear me, O Lady, let my stains be cleansed: enlighten me, O Lady, that my darkness may be illuminated. Let my tepidity be enkindled by thy love: let my torpor be expelled by thy grace. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 42

Judge me, O Lady, and discern my cause from the perverse nation: from the malignant serpent and the pestiferous dragon deliver me. Let thy holy fecundity scatter him: let thy blessed virginity bruise his head. Let thy holy prayers strengthen us against him: let thy merits put to nought his strength. Send the persecutor of my soul into the abyss: let the infernal pit swallow him alive. But I and my soul will bless thy name in the land of my captivity: and I will glorify thee forever and ever. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 43

O Lady, we have heard with our ears: and our fathers have told it unto us. For thy merits are ineffable: and thy wonders exceedingly stupendous. O Lady, innumerable are thy virtues: and inestimable are thy mercies. Exult, O my soul, and rejoice in her: for many good things are prepared for those who praise her. Blessed be thou, O Queen of the Heavens and the angels: and let those who praise thy magnificence be blessed by God. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 44

My heart hath uttered a good word, Lady: it is sweetened with honey-flowing dew. By thy sanctity let my sins be purged: by thy integrity may incorruption be bestowed upon me. By thy virginity may my soul be loved by Christ: and joined to him by the bond of love. By thy fecundity I, a captive, am redeemed: by thy virginal bringing forth I am delivered from eternal death. By thy most worthy Son I, a lost one, am restored: and from the exile of misery I am led back to the homeland of beatitude. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 45

O Lady, thou art our refuge in all our needs: and a most powerful force bruising and crushing our enemy. The world is full of thy benefits: they surpass the heavens and penetrate the depths. By the fullness of thy grace those who were in the abyss rejoice to find themselves liberated. By the power of thy virginal fecundity, those who were above this world: rejoice to find themselves freed. By the glorious Son of thy most holy virginity: men are made companions and fellow-citizens of the angels. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 46

All ye nations, clap your hands: sing in jubilee to the glorious Virgin. For she is the gate of life, the door of salvation, and the way of our reconciliation. The hope of the penitent: the comfort of those that weep: the blessed peace of hearts, and their salvation. Have mercy on me, O Lady, have mercy on me: for thou art the light and the hope of all who trust in thee. By thy salutary fecundity let it please thee: that pardon of my sins may be granted unto me. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 47

Great art thou, O Lady, and exceedingly to be praised: in the city of the God of Heaven: in the entire Church of His elect. Thou hast ascended, hymned by the angelic choirs: uplifted by the archangels, crowned with lilies and roses. Meet her, ye Powers and Principalities: go to welcome her, ye Virtues and Dominations. Cherubim, and Thrones, and Seraphim, exalt her: and place her at the right hand of the Spouse, her most loving Son. Oh, with how joyful a soul, with how serene an aspect hast thou received her, O God of angels and men: and given her the principality over every place of thy domination. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 48

Hear ye these things, all ye nations: give ear, all ye who desire to enter the kingdom of God. Honor the Virgin Mary: and ye will find life and perpetual salvation. Keep thy poor servants, O Lady: join them with a happy union to Christ. By the fruit of thy womb, refresh and sustain the hunger of thy little ones. For after thy bringing forth thou hast remained incorrupt: and after thy Son, inviolate. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 49

The God of gods hath spoken to Mary: by Gabriel, his messenger, saying: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: by thee the salvation of the world is repaired. The Son of the Most High hath greatly desired thy beauty and thy comeliness. Adorn thy bridal chamber, O Daughter of Sion: prepare to meet thy God. Thou shalt conceive by the Holy Ghost: who will make thy delivery virginal and joyful. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O Lady: for thou art called the Mother of Mercy. And according to thy mercy: cleanse me from all my iniquities. Pour forth thy grace upon me: and withdraw not from me thine accustomed clemency. For I will confess my sins to thee: and I will accuse myself of all my crimes before thee. Reconcile me to the Fruit of thy womb: and make peace for me with Him who has created me. Glory be to the Father, etc.