Psalm 21

O God, my God: let Him look at thy merits in me, ever Virgin Mary. O my Lady, I have cried to thee by day and by night: and thou hast done mercy with thy servant. Because I have hoped in thy mercy: thou hast taken away from me everlasting reproach. Mine enemies have mocked me on every side: but thou under the shadow of thy hand hast bestowed good refreshment on me. Let all the families of the peoples adore thee: and let all the orders of the angels glorify thee. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 22

The Lord rules me, O Virgin Mother of God: because thou hast turned on me thy gracious countenance. Blessed are thy most resplendent eyes: which thou deignest to turn on sinners. Blessed is the light and the splendor of thy countenance: blessed is the grace of thy face. Blessed be the mercy of thy hands: blessed be the stream of thy virginal milk. Let the prophets and apostles of God bless thee: let martyrs, confessors, and virgins sing praise to thee. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 23

The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof: but thou, O most holy Mother, reignest with Him forever. Thou art clothed with glory and beauty: every precious stone is thy covering and thy clothing. The brightness of the sun is upon thy head: the beauty of the moon is beneath thy feet. Shining orbs adorn thy throne: the morning stars glorify thee forever. Be mindful of us, O Lady, in thy good pleasure: and make us worthy to glorify thy name. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 24

To thee, O Lady, have I lifted up my soul: in the judgment of God, by the help of thy prayers, I shall not be ashamed. Let not my adversaries make game of me: for those who trust in thee are strengthened. Let not the snares of death prevail against me: and the camps of the malignant not hinder my steps. Crush their violence in thy might: and with mildness meet my soul. Be my guide unto my fatherland: and deign to join me to thy angelic hosts. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 25

Judge me, O Lady, for I have departed from my innocence: but because I have hoped in thee I shall not become weak. Enkindle my heart with the fire of thy love: and with the girdle of chastity bind my reins. For thy mercy and thy clemency are before my eyes: and I was delighted in the voice of thy praise. O Lady, I have loved the beauty of thy face: and I have revered thy sacred majesty. Praise ye her name, for she is holy: let her wonders be declared forever. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 26

O Lady, may thy light be the splendor of my countenance: and let the serenity of thy grace shine upon my mind. Raise up my head: and I will sing a psalm to thy name. Turn not away thy face from me: for from my youth up I have greatly desired thy beauty and thy grace. I have loved thee and sought after thee, O Queen of Heaven: withdraw not thy mercy and thy grace from thy servant. I will give praise to thee in the nations: and I will honor the throne of thy glory. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 27

To thee, O Lady, will I cry, and thou shalt hear me: in the voice of thy praise thou wilt make me glad. Have mercy on me in the day of my trouble: and in the light of thy truth deliver me. Blessed be thou, O Lady: to the uttermost ends of the earth. The sanctuary which thy hands have established: is the holy temple of thy body. Thy conscience is pure and undefiled: a place of propitiation and the holy dwelling of God. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 28

Bring to Our Lady, O ye sons of God: bring to Our Lady praise and reverence. Give strength to thy saints, O holy Mother: and thy blessing to those who praise and glorify thee. Hear the groans of those who sigh to thee: and despise not the prayers of those who invoke thy name. Let thy hand be ready to help me: and thy ear inclined to my prayer. Let the heavens and the earth bless thee: the sea and the world. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 29

I will exalt thee, O Lady, for thou hast taken me up: thou wilt deliver me from the wicked enemy. Turn to me and quicken me, from the gates of death lead me back: and from the rivers of tribulation which have surrounded me. For the sake of thy empire and the magnificence of thy right hand: break and scatter all my enemies. And I will offer thee a sacrifice of praise: and I will most devoutly exalt thy glory. Rejoice, ye Heavens, and be glad, O Earth: because Mary will console her servants and will have mercy on her poor. Glory be to the Father, etc.

Psalm 30

In thee, O Lady, have I hoped, let me never be confounded: receive me in thy grace. Thou art my strength and my refuge: my consolation and my protection. To thee, O Lady, have I cried, when my heart was in anguish: and thou hast heard me from the heights of the eternal hills. Thou shalt draw me out of the snares which they hid for me: for thou art my helper. Into thy hands, O Lady, I commend my spirit: my whole life and my last day. Glory be to the Father, etc.